24 mini scoops of ice-cream

The best $12 lunch I have ever shared. Wow 24 different flavors and SO SO yummy. Lauren and Erik came over at noon and off we went to Wilmot, WI. Lauren made a comment when we were 2 minutes away, "I feel like we are in a different state, it doesn't even feel like Illinois anymore." Because it wasn't! Ha! It was a lot bigger than I was expecting. It was a legit house that they transformed into an ice-cream parlor. There was lots of parking, lots of seating, and lots of space to check out what ice-cream you wanted. They also had popcorn, old fashioned candies, and t-shirts. Let me tell you. An ice-cream flight is the way to go at any ice-cream place (if offered). I always want to try all the flavors and this was the perfect way to do that. I figured out my favorite about 6 scoops in, it was the cookies and cream. YUM. I am drooling just typing about it. Other honorable mentions were french silk, mint chocolate chip, chocolate cookie extreme, Wisconsin campfire s'mores, peanut butter Mackinac island fudge.